Friday, May 3, 2013

The juicy fruit

  1. Strawberries
  2. Red grapes
  3. Blueberries
  4. Cara cara oranges (2 mini)
  5. Fuji apple
  6. Raw honey
  7. Water to max line
I'm soooooo happy it's fruity Friday, y'all! This week has been challenging both professionally and personally and I just want to take a moment to breathe and drink today's delicious breakfast. It's so refreshing, sweet, and the combo of berries and citrus really plays well together! And look how pretty it is.

Let's talk a bit about raw honey:
Raw honey is classified as a super food because it does so much more for your body than expected. It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. It can be used to treat cuts and open wounds. It strengthens the immune system, balances blood sugar, regulates the blood pressure, and so much more. (Source:

I use this super honey in at least 2 of my drinks per week when I really need a sweet kick and its delicious.

In other news, I'm starting a 20-day NutriBullet (NB) challenge with my friend who I inspired to get one last night, so you'll be seeing many more unique combinations to try. We'll be replacing all meals with delicious drinks. I already replace 1-2 meals per day so I hope it's not going to be too difficult for me...and the added competition from a great friend who's trying to lead a healthier lifestyle is a bonus.

Stay tuned and have a great Friday!!

Part of the "thank lil baby Jeebus it's fruity Friday (tlbjiff)" series.

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